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June 22, 2012

I’m not dead: an update

Hello, hello! Long time no see.

I think I may be the worst blogger of all time, and for this, I am sorry. Life sometimes gets in the way of side projects like this, but with a bit more time on my hands now, I hope to rejuvenate this blog and chronicle my search for a full-time job.

Just over a month ago, I officially graduated from George Mason University. Although I was reluctant to go there after I graduated high school, I happily recognize now that it was the best decision for me. Mason gave me beautiful opportunities to grow as a journalist, and gave me the chance to make wonderful contacts with a variety of people. I don’t really look at my time there as an academic achievement though — yes, I graduated with a good GPA, and yes, I learned things, sure. But what I am taking away from my four years as a Patriot are the various ways that I was able to get involved in journalism, principally my roots in Student Media, and then moving on to professional internships.

But now that chapter in my life is over and I am actively seeking a job in journalism. Without getting into it too much, I was offered a position with a news organization right before graduation, but after some deliberation I turned it down. It just wasn’t right for me. I guess some people could look at that as foolish, but I’m just a dreamer, and it wasn’t my dream, and I didn’t think it could get me to my dream.

I’ve had a few promising interviews since, and I am crossing my fingers for a job. But I’m not desperate. I have a comfortable life, I’m not worried about rent (living with the parents) and I have no student loans to pay (thank you, Mom and Dad). So, while this isn’t the perfect situation, things will work out. Things always do. In times like these, I often recall one of my favorite lines from F. Scott Fitzgerald’s short story The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: “Our lives are defined by opportunities. Even the ones we miss.”

So follow your dreams, readers. It’s scary, I know. I have a friend (a very brave one) who turned down a fantastic job, all for the chance to go to another country and work at a low-level job, just to have the experience of living there for a year. She is truly an inspiration in that she knows what she wants and is willing to put it all on the line. I hope to emulate that courage and also follow my dreams.

Filed by at June 22nd, 2012 under Uncategorized
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