August 11, 2011
Time for the dog days of summer
I’m not entirely sure where the summer has gone–I feel like it was just yesterday I moved into my apartment in Harrisburg, but here I am back in Virginia already. My internship ended officially on Friday, but I worked unofficially Monday and I am truly so sad to leave. Although I trash-talked Harrisburg pretty much everyday I was there, I’m really going to miss it.
For all its crappiness and lack of having anything to do, Harrisburg has some really fantastic people living in it and I’m really going to miss them. Plus, working in politics was something I had never ever done before, I still can’t believe I actually enjoyed covering government.
I suppose I’m still in a bit of daze realizing that my job in Pennsylvania is over. Going in I was so worried about being bad at my job, and while I’m still not a perfect journalist I see so much improvement in my work. As I said before, I really feel like I did things that mattered.
For now, I’m in a bit of journalistic limbo until my internship starts in mid-September. It’s kind of nice having a break but at the same time I kind of feel like I’m unemployed. It sucks not knowing where my placement will be, I’m so anxious to find out.
Still, the rest of of summer is going to be fantastic–I’m leaving for what my friends and I call “Mountain Week” tomorrow; we head to WV and stay at my uncle’s huge mountain house for a week and basically enjoy nature, watch movies and just detox from living in the hustle and bustle of NoVa. The best part is that it is generally about 10 degrees cooler there than here so it’s my favorite temperatures, 60s and 70s.
When I get back I’m going to my first Nationals baseball game which I’m incredibly excited about. I’m really trying to get better at understanding sports, it seems like a good quality for someone to have.
And still my awesome month of August continues. I’m going to Chicago for a couple of days in late August, which will be fantastic, and finally I’m going to a taping of the Maury Show just before school starts. I know it’s trash television, but what I can I say? We all have guilty pleasures.
So one chapter of my life has closed, and another one is about to begin. In the mean time I’m just relaxing because I know I’m going to be absolutely swamped with work in the fall.
Sorry that this post wasn’t written particularly well and that it didn’t offer anything of substance.
Filed by yasmintadjdeh at August 11th, 2011 under Uncategorized
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