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July 1, 2011

I love you, George Mason

Going to George Mason University is pretty darn cool. But, when I first signed up back in January of 2008 I was full of resentment; I hated that I was commuting, I hated that my parents chose the school and not I (good decision though) and I hated GMU because a lot of Northern Virginians hated it.

Northern Virginian has a love/hate relationship with GMU, in my opinion. It’s awesome having such a good school in your backyard, but at the same time, it’s your backyard and anything in your backyard can’t be that good, right? When I was in high school I was consistently put down for going to Mason, why would I want to stay here? Well, I didn’t. I just didn’t have a choice. But at the same time, I didn’t want to leave just for the sake of leaving, like many of my classmates. I recognized that Mason was a good school, great in fact when it came to certain programs. But come fall, when all my friends were going to James Madison (blergh), Old Dominion (vom), UVA and Tech, I was still here in NoVa.

As I moved through college I grew to love Mason more and more. I love their Student Media office, I love the campus, I love the people. But it wasn’t until I left Northern Virginia that I realized how cool it was to be a GMU student. When I went to the IHS conference all the participants had name tags that said their names and what school they were from, and on the top it said The Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University. People talked to me just because I was from GMU, and they told me how much they admired the school. Particularly in the Libertarian movement, people know instantly what GMU is. It’s not just some school to Libertarians, it’s a fantastic school filled with great thinkers like James Buchanan, Gordon Tullock and Walter Williams.

I am so happy that my parents forced me to go Mason. Mason has provided me with opportunities that I don’t think I could have gotten anywhere else. Going to GMU puts me right outside of D.C. and has been a great conversational point when I’m networking. Being a Libertarian journalist at Mason is pretty awesome, even if the journalism program itself isn’t that hot.

Anyway, that’s all I’ve got. I haven’t posted any music lately, but I’ve been listening to this all day, and if you like opera you’ve probably heard it/would like it.

Filed by at July 1st, 2011 under Uncategorized
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